Minnesota Birth Injury Lawyer

Childbirth is supposed to be a momentous occasion for parents. Every expecting parent imagines that moment when their child is born and they are able to hold them for the first time. However, childbirth is also an urgent situation because the lives of the mother and the baby can be at stake. This requires the nurses, obstetricians, and any other involved caregivers to be diligent because anything can happen at any moment. They also have to be diligent as to not cause a birth injury to the baby. Unfortunately, great care can be taken and birth injury still occurs.

There are a number of different types of birth injuries and defects that can be connected to negligence. An example is Cerebral Palsy and how it has been linked to a lack of oxygen to the baby’s brain during the delivery process. It is also possible for a birth injury to occur during pregnancy, such as the mother being prescribed a medication that could cause harm to the baby and ultimately does. Minnesota birth injury law is designed to protect mothers and their babies when an injury has been inflicted upon their newborn child, whether in the womb or outside of it.

Types Of Birth Injuries

There are different types of birth injuries. Your Minneapolis personal injury lawyer is prepared to handle cases involving:

  • Facial paralysis
  • Cephalohematoma
  • Brachial/Erb’s Palsy
  • Internal Injuries
  • External injuries
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Infection
  • Brain or spinal damage

There are some birth injuries that are avoidable, but too often negligence of nurses, doctors, and other member of the medical staff come into play. Such actions as unnecessary intervention, failure to properly react to an emergency situation, the use of the wrong medical equipment, incorrect use of that equipment, and other errors by the medical staff can cause permanent damage to the child.

Compensation For Your Child’s Injuries

When a child is injured, they do suffer some kind of consequence as a result. Childbirth is the first moments of a child’s life and an injury sustained during this sensitive time can be devastating to the child and the parents. Ultimately, the parents suffer as well and Minnesota birth injury law allows the affected party to seek compensation. While money doesn’t solve everything, it does help with the financial consequences that a child’s disability or death can cause the parents.

It is the responsibility of your attorney to recognize the origin of the errors that took place. For instance, it may be found that the doctor should have spotted a specific warning sign but didn’t. It may be found that the entire process should have been handled differently. We have the experienced needed to reveal the signs of doctor negligence and errors and show the court the findings.

Contact A Minneapolis Personal Injury Lawyer

If your child sustained birth injuries due to the negligence of a doctor or other medical staff, you need an attorney working for you who will uncover the facts and help you receive the compensation you deserve. To schedule your free consultation, call us at 612-529-3333 or fill out our contact form and someone from our office will contact you about your case.